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[Incubus] Summer Romance (Anti-Gravity Love Song) [GON]


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# [Incubus] Summer Romance (Anti-Gravity Love Song) [GON] - Posté Dim 14 Sep 2014 - 21:48

# Paroles

I'm home alone tonight
Full moon illuminates my room sends my mind aflight
I think I was dreamin' of some thoughts
That were seemin'ly possible with you

And so I call you on the tin can phone
We rendezvous a quarter two
And make sure we're alone
Think I've found a way for you and I to finally fly free

When we get there, we're gonna fly so far away
Making sure to laugh while we experience anti gravity
Anti gravity, anti gravity
Ha ah ah ah ah

For years I kept it to myself
Now potentialities are bound are living under my shelf
Simply choose your destination from the diamond canopy
And we'll be there

So I call you on the tin can phone
We rendezvous at a quarter two
And make sure we're alone
I think I've found the way for you and I to finally be free

When we get there, we're gonna fly so far away
Making sure to laugh while we experience anti gravity
Anti gravity, anti gravity
Ha ah ah oh yeah

Anti gravity, anti gravity
Oh oh oh oh yeah

# Quelques infos

Artiste : Incubus
Album : S.C.I.E.N.C.E.
Date de sortie : 1997
Genre : Musique alternative/indé
Paroliers : Brandon Boyd / Alex Katunich / Gavin Koppel / Jose Pasillas / Mark Einziger / Incubus