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[Jeff Buckley] Mojo Pin


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# [Jeff Buckley] Mojo Pin - Posté Mar 3 Avr 2012 - 18:20

Paroles :

I'm lying in my bed
The blanket is warm
This body will never be safe from harm
Still feel your hair, black ribbons of coal
Touch my skin to keep me whole
If only you'd come back to me
If you laid at my side
Wouldn't need no Mojo Pin to keep me satisfied
Don't wanna weep for you, I don't wanna know
I'm blind and tortured, the white horses flow
The memories fire, the rhythms fall slow
Black beauty I love you so
Precious, precious silver and gold and pearls
in oyster's flesh
Drop down we two to serve and pray to love
Born again from the rhythm screaming down from heaven
Ageless, ageless and I'm there in your arms
The welts of your scorn, my love, give me more
Send whips of opinion down my back, give me more
Well it's you I've waited my life to see
It's you I've searched so hard for