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[The Cardigans] Feathers and Down [GON]


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# [The Cardigans] Feathers and Down [GON] - Posté Dim 6 Nov 2022 - 16:39

# Paroles

So you trying to do what they did
Your friends that turn to liquid
And got lost in the see
And now you're drowning me
With your talk of full eat clovers
You turn to rocks and no man
To be the ambient harm
But it's bruising your karma

Oh I wish my arms were wider
I wish that I could hide you
So you can rest and repair
Without the blanket of sorrow
The thick and the grey
Your blanket of wool
So heavy and stain
And it only weighs you down

So you thought that getting sober
Would mean your life was over
I don't think it's that bad
I don't think it's that sad
Just you sleep a little baby
Leave the world alone and later
If you wake up alive
That old blanket of sorrow
Could be feathers and down
Your blanket of wool
Would leave you alone
And I can love you till you drown

Come to me let's drown
Come baby let's drown
In feathers and down

# Quelques infos

Artiste : The Cardigans
Date de sortie : 2003
Album : Long Gone Before Daylight