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[Staind] So Far Away [GON]


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# [Staind] So Far Away [GON] - Posté Ven 4 Oct 2019 - 20:46

# Paroles

This is my life
Its not what it was before
All these feelings I've shared
And these are my dreams
That I'd never lived before
Somebody shake me
'Cause I
I must be sleeping

Now that we're here
It's so far away
All the struggle we thought was in vain
All in the mistakes
One life contained
They all finally start to go away
Now that we're here it's so far away
And I feel like I can face the day, and I can forgive
And I'm not ashamed to be the person that I am today

These are my words
That I've never said before
I think I'm doing okay
And this is the smile
That I've never shown before

Somebody shake me 'cause I
I must be sleeping

Now that we're here
It's so far away
All the struggle we thought was in vain
All in the mistakes
One life contained
They all finally start to go away
Now that we're here it's so far away
And I feel like I can face the day, and I can forgive
And I'm not ashamed to be the person that I am today

I'm so afraid of waking
Please don't shake me
Afraid of waking
Please don't shake me
Now that we're here
It's so far away
All the struggle we thought was in vain
All in the mistakes
One life contained
They all finally start to go away
Now that we're here it's so far away
And I feel like I can face the day, and I can forgive
And I'm not ashamed to be the person that I am today

# Quelques infos

Artiste : Staind
Album : 14 Shades of Grey
Date de sortie : 2003
Genre : Metal alternatif
Paroliers : John April / Jonathan Wysocki / Michael Mushok / Aarron Lewis
Paroles de So Far Away © Warner Chappell Music, Inc