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[Cold War Kids] We Used To Vacation [GON]


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# [Cold War Kids] We Used To Vacation [GON] - Posté Dim 23 Nov 2014 - 19:05

# Paroles

I kissed the kids at noon
then stumbled out the room
I caught a cab
ran up a tab
on 7th and flower

best recital I had to ruin
missed my son's graduation
punched the Nickles boy
for taking his seat
gets all that anger from me

still things could be much worse
natural disasters on the evening news
still things could be much worse
we still got our health
my paycheck in the mail

I promised to my wife and children
I'd never touch another drink
as long as I live
but even then
it sounds so soothing
this will blow over in time
this will all blow over in time

I'm just an honest man
provide for me and mine
I give a check to tax deductable
charity organizations
two weks paid vacation won't heal the damage done
I need another one

still things could be much worse
natural disasters on the evening news
still things could be much worse
we still got our health
my paycheck in the mail

I promised to my wife and children
I'd never touch another drink
as long as I live
but even then
it sounds so soothing
to mix a drink
and sink into oblivion

I promised to my wife and children
that accident
left everyone a little shook up
but at the meetings
I felt so empty
this will blow over in time
this will all blow over in time

# Quelques infos

Artiste : Cold War Kids
Album : Robbers and Cowards
Date de sortie : 2006

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