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[Oasis] Round Are Way [GON]

2 participants

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# [Oasis] Round Are Way [GON] - Posté Dim 16 Nov 2014 - 1:04

# Paroles

The paper boy is working before he goes
Lying to the teacher he knows, he knows
He didn't and he should've
Brought his lines in yesterday

Ernie bangs the sound and the day begins
The letterbox is open and your cash falls in
I'll meet you at the office
Just before the staff clock in

Round are way the birds are singing
Round are way the sun shines bright
Round are way the birds sing for yer
The already know yer

The game is kicking off in around the park
It's twenty five a side and before it's dark
There's gonna be a loser
And you know the next goal wins

Cab it to the front as it's called a draw
Everybody's knockin' at yours once more
Ernie bangs the sound
And no one's spoken since half past four

Round are way the birds are singing
Round are way the sun shines bright
Round are way the birds are minging
Round are way it's alright

Round are way the birds sing for you
'Cos the already know yer
They already know yer

# Quelques infos

Film : Camp
Artiste : Oasis
Date de sortie : 1995
Genres : Musique alternative/indé, Rock

Dernière édition par Waha le Jeu 17 Nov 2022 - 23:49, édité 1 fois

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# Re: [Oasis] Round Are Way [GON] - Posté Sam 22 Nov 2014 - 15:13
Je ne me rappelais pas que le forum avait un coin clips vidéos !! Je suis super super fan d'oasis depuis des années, et franchement, ça fait bien plaisir d'entendre cette chanson !! (avec les paroles en plus )
Merci waha !!