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[System Of A Down] B.Y.O.B. [GON]

2 participants

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# [System Of A Down] B.Y.O.B. [GON] - Posté Mer 4 Juin 2014 - 1:36

# Paroles

Why do they always send the poor?

Barbarisms by Barbaras
With pointed heels.
Victorious victories kneel
a brand new spanking deals
Marching forward hypocritic and hypnotic computers
You depend on our protection yet you feed us lies from the tablecloth

Everybody's going to the party, have a real good time
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine

Kneeling roses disappearing into Moses' dry mouth
Breaking into Fort Knox stealing our intentions
Hangars sitting dripped in oil, crying, "Freedom!"
Handed to obsoletion still you feed us lies from the tablecloth

Everybody's going to the party, have a real good time
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine
Everybody's going to the party, have a real good time
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine

Blast off, it's party time
And we dont live in a fascist nation
Blast off, it's party time
And where the fuck are you?

Where the fuck are you?
Where the fuck are you?

Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?

Kneeling roses disappearing into Moses' dry mouth
Breaking into Fort Knox stealing our intentions
Hangars sitting dripped in oil, crying, "Freedom!"
Handed to obsoletion still you feed us lies from the tablecloth

Everybody's going to the party, have a real good time
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine
Everybody's going to the party, have a real good time
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sun

Where the fuck are you?
Where the fuck are you?

Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?

Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?
They always send the poor
They always send the poor

# Quelques infos

Date de sortie : 2005
Album : Mezmerize
Artiste : System of a Down
Genres : Thrash metal, Metal progressif, Hard rock
Récompenses : Grammy Award de la meilleure prestation hard rock
Nominations : Grammy Award de la meilleure prestation hard rock


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# Re: [System Of A Down] B.Y.O.B. [GON] - Posté Mer 4 Juin 2014 - 20:08
omg, je me souviens l'avoir apprise a sa sortie celle-la :p

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# Re: [System Of A Down] B.Y.O.B. [GON] - Posté Mer 4 Juin 2014 - 21:57
sur le même rythme ?

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# Re: [System Of A Down] B.Y.O.B. [GON] - Posté Mer 4 Juin 2014 - 23:45
ben oui, et la chanter en même temps

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# Re: [System Of A Down] B.Y.O.B. [GON] - Posté Jeu 5 Juin 2014 - 1:03
waw respect !!

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# Re: [System Of A Down] B.Y.O.B. [GON] - Posté Jeu 5 Juin 2014 - 21:15
si tu veux te casser les oreilles je viens juste de m'enregistrer en kara dev 1

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# Re: [System Of A Down] B.Y.O.B. [GON] - Posté Jeu 5 Juin 2014 - 21:34
oh oui oh oui
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