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[Jeff Buckley] Grace [GON]


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# [Jeff Buckley] Grace [GON] - Posté Mar 3 Avr 2012 - 18:07

# Paroles

There's the moon asking to stay
Long enough for the clouds to fly me away
Oh, it's my time coming,
I'm not afraid
Afraid to die

My fading voice sings of love,
But she cries to the clicking of time.
Of time

Wait in the fire.
Wait in the fire.
Wait in the fire.
Wait in the fire.
The fire.

And she weeps on my arm
Walking to the bright lights in sorrow
Oh drink a bit of wine
We both might go tomorrow
Oh my love

And the rain is falling,
I believe my time has come
It reminds me of the pain
I might leave
Leave behind

Wait in the fire.
Wait in the fire.
Wait in the fire.
Wait in the fire.
The fire.

It reminds me of the pain
I might leave
Leave behind

And I feel them drown my name
So easy to know and forget with this kiss
I'm not afraid to go but it goes so slow

Wait in the fire.
Wait in the fire.
Wait in the fire.
Wait in the fire.
Wait in the fire.
Wait in the fire.
Wait in the fire.
Wait in the fire.

# Quelques infos

Artiste : Jeff Buckley
Producteur : Andy Wallace
Label : Columbia Records
Sortie : 23 août 1994