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[The Raconteurs] Steady, as She Goes [GON]


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# [The Raconteurs] Steady, as She Goes [GON] - Posté Dim 19 Juin 2022 - 12:14

# Paroles

Find yourself a girl and settle down
Live a simple life in a quiet town
Steady as she goes (steady as she goes)
Steady as she goes (steady as she goes)
So steady as she goes

Your friends have a shown a kink in the single life
You've had too much to think, now you need a wife
Steady as she goes (steady as she goes)
So steady as she goes (steady as she goes)

Well, here we go again
You've found yourself a friend that knows you well
But no matter what you do
You'll always feel as though you tripped and fell
So steady as she goes

When you have completed what you thought you had to do
And your blood's depleted to the point of stable glue
Then you'll get along
And then you'll get along

Steady as she goes (steady as she goes)
So steady as she goes (steady as she goes)

Well, here we go again
You've found yourself a friend that knows you well
But no matter what you do
You'll always feel as though you tripped and fell
So steady as she goes
Steady as she goes

Settle for a world, neither up or down
Sell it to the crowd that is gathered 'round
Settle for a girl, neither up or down
Sell it to the crowd that is gathered 'round

So steady as she goes (steady as she goes)
Steady as she goes (steady as she goes)
Steady as she goes (steady as she goes)
So steady as she goes (steady as she goes)

Steady as she goes, are you steady now?
Steady as she goes, are you steady now?
Steady as she goes, are you steady now?
Steady as she goes, are you steady now?
Steady as she goes

# Quelques infos

Artiste : The Raconteurs
Album : 2006-10-23: Rock City, Nottingham, UK
Date de sortie : 2006
Nominations : Grammy Awards de la meilleure prestation rock d'un duo ou groupe avec chant
Paroliers : Jack White / Brendan Benson
Paroles de Steady, as She Goes © Chrysalis Music, Third String Tunes, Gladsad Music, Songs Of Universal Inc.