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[Nine Inch Nails] Every Day is Exactly the Same [GON]


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# [Nine Inch Nails] Every Day is Exactly the Same [GON] - Posté Dim 24 Avr 2022 - 22:45

# Paroles

I believe I can see the future
'Cause I repeat the same routine
I think I used to have a purpose
Then again, that might have been a dream

I think I used to have a voice
Now I never make a sound
And I just do what I've been told
I really don't want them to come around, oh no

Every day is exactly the same
Every day is exactly the same
There is no love here and there is no pain
Every day is exactly the same

I can feel their eyes are watching
In case I lose myself again
Sometimes I think I'm happy here
Sometimes, yet I still pretend

I can't remember how this got started
But I can tell you exactly how it will end

Every day is exactly the same
Every day is exactly the same
There is no love here and there is no pain
Every day is exactly the same

I'm writing on a little piece of paper
I'm hoping someday I might find
Well I'll hide it behind something
They wont look behind

I am still inside here
A little bit comes bleeding through
I wish this could've been any other way
But I just don't know, I don't know
What else I can do

Every day is exactly the same
Every day is exactly the same
There is no love here and there is no pain
Every day is exactly the same
Every day is exactly the same
Every day is exactly the same
There is no love here and there is no pain
Every day is exactly the same

# Quelques infos

Artiste : Nine Inch Nails
Album : With Teeth
Date de sortie : 2005
Nominations : Grammy Award de la meilleure prestation hard rock
Genres : Rock alternatif, Rock industriel, Musique alternative/indé, Rock
Paroliers : Trent Reznor
Paroles de Every Day Is Exactly the Same © Leaving Hope Music Inc