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[Incubus] Absolution Calling [GON]


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# [Incubus] Absolution Calling [GON] - Posté Sam 22 Oct 2016 - 0:07

# Paroles

It's like an intuition or a feeling in the air
An intangible impression that's always everywhere
You bit into the apple, laid down your sword an shield
(Untie! A little bit dies, a little each time, the medicine smile)
Then spun 'round like a gyre in the unified field!
(Inside, your elegant guide, an arrow in flight a million miles)

I remember feeling the opposite of falling
(Into that spot where we untie every knot)
Spinning past the ceiling, absolution calling...
"Are you there, or not?"

It's an open invitation, come see the sights of sages
We've been a pride of lions so afraid to leave our cages
Don't fret over the pieces that smolder in the sun
(Untie! A little bit dies, a little each time, the medicine smile)
'Cause nothing can be broken when everything is one
(Inside, your elegant guide, an arrow in flight a million miles)

I remember feeling the opposite of falling
(Into that spot where we untie every knot)
Spinning past the ceiling, absolution calling...
"Are you there, or not?"

You bit into the apple, laid down your sword an shield
(Untie! A little bit dies, a little each time, the medicine smile)
Then spun 'round like a gyre in the unified field!
(Inside, your elegant guide, an arrow in flight a million miles)

I remember feeling the opposite of falling
(Into that spot where we untie every knot)
Spinning past the ceiling, absolution calling...
"Are you there, or not?"

# Quelques infos

Artiste : Incubus
Album : Trust Fall
Date de sortie : 2015
Genre : Musique alternative/indé
Paroliers : Boyd Brandon Charles / Einziger Michael Aaron

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